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Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N

Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E | Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N | Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z

Name Abbrev Use for Quantity
Equisetum hyemale Equis-h. HoverCalcium deficiency; copper deficiency; manganese deficiency; phosphorus deficiency; zinc deficiency; calcium excess; copper excess; manganese excess; phosphorus excess; potassium excess; zinc excess;
Ferrum metallicum Ferr. HoverCalcium deficiency; copper deficiency; manganese deficiency; phosphorus deficiency; zinc deficiency; calcium excess; copper excess; manganese excess; phosphorus excess; potassium excess; zinc excess;
Ferrum muriaticum Ferr-m. HoverInjury from disease; injury from fire; mechanical injury; injury from storm; absent fruit; diminished fruit; unhealthy fruit; capillary paralysis; excessive polination; pseudomonas; black spot;
Ferrum phosphoricum Ferr-p. HoverInjury from disease; injury from fire; mechanical injury; injury from storm; rotting fruit; capillary paralysis; pseudomonas; black spot; bacterial stripe.
Ferrum sulphuricum Ferr-s. HoverWeevils; absent petals; malformed petals; shrivelled flowers; absent fruit; diminished fruit; rotting fruit; brown rot with caterpillars; brown rot with maggots; unhealthy flowers; immature ovaries; absent ovaries; immature stamen; black mould; grey mold;.
Foeniculum vulgare Foen-v. HoverWeeds;
Formica rufa Form. HoverComing soon
Fragaria vesca Frag. HoverComing soon
Gastein aqua Gast. HoverComing soon
Gelsemium sempervirens Gels. HoverComing soon
Helix tosta Helx. HoverSnails and slugs;
Hepar sulphuris calcareum Hep. HoverBeetles; caterpillars; cabbage moth; flies; cabbage flies; cabbage fly; carrotfly; white fly;
Hyssopus officinalis Hyss-o. HoverInjury by insect; shrivelled with pest activity; late blight with bacterium; pseudomonas; rot; bacterial rot; beetles; flea beetle; bugs; caterpillars; cabbage moth; crickets; flies; moths; cabbage moth; sawfly; thrips; wasps; weevils;
Juglans nigra Jug-n. HoverDamaged epidermis: dry, foamy, slimy, patchy, wet; diminished fruits; orange discolouration; red discolouration; yellow discolouration; excessive leaves; deficient respiration; increased water requirement; decreased water requirement
Kalium oxalicum Kali-ox. HoverInjury by insect; shrivelled by pests; caterpillars; cluster caterpillar; procession moth; spitfire; webworm; flies; hawk moth; rust mite; moths; diamondback moth; grapevine moth; potato moth; procession moth; sawfly; sawfly larvae; hard scales; soft scales;
Kali bichromicum Kali-b. HoverBoron deficiency; boron excess;
Kali carbonicum Kali-c. HoverDrooping flowers; absent petals; discoloured petals; malformed petals; shrivelled flowers; diminished fruit; shrivelled with pest activity; immature ovaries; shrivelled ovaries; no pollination; defective pollination; impaired polination; immature stamen; shrivelled stamen;
Kalium iodatum Kali-i. HoverMites;
Kalium metallicum Kali-met. HoverIron deficiency; magnesium deficiency; manganese deficiency; iron excess; magnesium excess; manganese excess;
Kalium muriaticum Kali-m. HoverOrange discolouration; yellow discolouration; virus blight; mildew; powdery mildew; downy mildew; mould; grey mold;
Kalium nitricum Kali-n. HoverInjury from fertiliser; injury from insect;
Kalium permanganicum Kali-perm. HoverInjury from insect; early blight; mildew; powdery mildew; downy mildew;
Kalium phosphoricum Phos. Kali-p. HoverChlorosis; photosynthesis impaired; potato gangrene; bloated leaves; environmental stress
Kalium sulphuricum Kali-s. HoverErgot; thrips;
Lacticum acidum Lac-ac. HoverMildew; powdery mildew; downy mildew; mould; black mould; soft bacterial rot; black rot; dry rot; soft rot; mosaic virus; spidermite;
Lapis albus Lap-a. HoverGangrene; bitter rot; black rot; blossom end rot; mosaic virus;
Latrodectus hasselti Lat-h. HoverInsects
Latrodectus katipo Lat-k. HoverInsects
Latrodectus mactans Lat-m HoverInsects
Ledum palustre Led. HoverComing soon
Magnesia carbonica Mag-c. HoverDamping off; windrowing;
Magnesia muriatica Mag-m. HoverInjury by pests; shrivelled with pest activity; aphids;
Magnesia phosphorica Mag-p. HoverSalination damage – fertiliser run-off, natural salts; salination; mites
Magnesia sulphurica Mag-s. HoverSalination damage – bores, fertiliser run-off, natural salts; salination; blotch; damping off; mildew; powdery mildew; downy mildew;
Manganum aceticum Mang-act. HoverMouldy epidermis;
Mentha piperta Menth. HoverInsect damage; shrivelled with pest activity; ants; aphids; beetles; caterpillars; moths;
Mercurius corrosivus Merc-c. HoverIron deficiency; molybdenum deficiency; sulphur deficiency; zinc deficiency; iron excess; molybdenum excess; sulphur excess; zinc excess;
Morgan (bach) Morg. HoverComing soon
Natrium carbonicum Nat-c. HoverInjury from disease; salination – fertiliser run off, natural salts;
Natrium muriaticum Nat-m. HoverPhosphorus deficiency; phosphorus excess; potassium excess;
Natrium phosphoricum Nat-p. HoverStripe rust; leaf rust; photosynthesis problems;
Natrum salicylicum Nat-sal. HoverInjury by storm; viral diseases; blue discolouration; purple discolouration; shrivelled by bacterial disease; shrivelled by pests; impaired photosynthesis; anthracnose; blight from bacteria; blight from virus; gangrene; mold; wet mold; wet rot – foamy; wet rot – slimy; wet rot – with patches; wet rot – shrivelled; stripe – bacterial; virus – alfalfa, barley yellow dwarf, mosaic, potato, tobacco mosaic virus; aphids; aphids with yellow dwarf virus; slaters;
Natrium sulphuricum Nat-s. HoverShrivelled by fungal disease;
Nitricum acidum Nit-ac. HoverDisease caused by fertiliser; purple discolouration; glume; septoria; mildew – powdery or downy; black spot; molybdenum deficiency; molybdenum excess;