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Homeopathy – Why are they so worried?

1390617_698640783499033_1673728890_nOn the 16th October The National, a Canadian TV news show, ran a story titled, “Worries about homeopathic treatments”. Homeopaths watched the biased, inaccurate and misleading report in disbelief. The equally concerned Canadian Consumers Centre for Homeopathy (CCCH) now asks you to contact The National to register your complaints about:

  • No homeopath being on camera, hence broadcasting a one-sided smear.
  • Ignoring the science questioning the claim that there are no molecules from the original substance in remedies. (The CCCH sent a number of studies)
  • Not knowing the difference between a magnesium supplement and a homeopathic remedy
  • Showing a shot of someone having an acupuncture treatment… what does that have to do with homeopathy?
  • Blaming the fact that 62% of children aren’t up-to-date on vaccinations on nosode use.
  • Saying that nosodes are made out of feces or pus but ignoring that good manufacturing practices required by Health Canada as well as traditional methods of preparation as per the homeopathic pharmacopeias which eliminate all risk of toxicity.

The CCCH provides a link to the program, further information about what really happened, and what you can do in response. Read all about it and how to take action.

More Information: 3CH ACTION: The National – MOST IMPORTANT EVER!