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Research and Paywalls: Homeopathy Plus regularly reports on homeopathic research, past and present, but we can’t link to complete research papers if they are behind a journal paywall - we can only provide a summary and abstract. If you wish to access a full paper from behind a paywall, please click on the link provided for the publisher’s purchase options.

Paper: Homeopathy for Children’s Colds and Middle-Ear Infections

Paper: Homeopathy for Children's Colds and Middle-Ear Infections 2

A nurse and a doctor say that conventional treatments for children’s colds and middle-ear infections have “significant” side-effects and risks, while homeopathy offers a much safer, pragmatic, and effective treatment option.

In one quote they say:
“Numerous clinical studies demonstrate that homeopathy accelerates early symptom relief in acute illnesses at much lower risk than conventional drug approaches. Evidence-based advantages for homeopathy include lower antibiotic fill rates during watchful waiting in otitis media, fewer and less serious side effects, absence of drug-drug interactions, and reduced parental sick leave from work.”

Their paper can be read in full at: Homeopathic Medications as Clinical Alternatives for Symptomatic Care of Acute Otitis Media and Upper Respiratory Infections in Children