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Video: 'Proving' Research 1

Video: ‘Proving’ Research

"He experiments on healthy volunteers to uncover the symptoms a remedy causes because, based on the principle of 'like cures like', what a remedy causes it can also cure.”

Homeopathy for the Incurables 2

Homeopathy for the Incurables

Patients with eczema, asthma, migraine, IBS, menopausal problems, anxiety, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and more ... they were all 'incurable' until homeopathy.

Homeopathy & Arsenic Poisoning 3

Homeopathy & Arsenic Poisoning

Millions of people drink ground water contaminated with arsenic and suffer from low-grade chronic poisoning with no way of treating it ... except by homeopathy.

Study: Flu and URTI Prevention with Homeopathy 4

Study: Flu and URTI Prevention with Homeopathy

When researchers wanted a safe and effective cold and flu treatment for children, they decided to test homeopathy ... and the results were positive.

Study: Homeopathy for Allergies 5

Study: Homeopathy for Allergies

The symptoms and treatment costs of asthma, eczema, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, food allergies and other allergies types were reduced by these homeopathic remedies.

Studies: Preparing for Radiation 6

Studies: Preparing for Radiation

Going for an X-ray, CT scan, mammogram or fluoroscopy? Here's two studies in which homeopathy protected against radiation exposure, showing homeopathy is not just about treatment.

Research: Does Homeopathic Succussion Make a Difference? 7

Research: Does Homeopathic Succussion Make a Difference?

Significant differences were detected when the evaporation droplet patterns of five homeopathic remedies were analysed at different levels of succussion.

Video: Research Comparing Homeopathy with Conventional Medicine 8

Video: Research Comparing Homeopathy with Conventional Medicine

Studies show that patients treated with homeopathy by their medical doctor do as well or better than those given a conventional medicine.

Saved by Homeopathy 9

Saved by Homeopathy

Roger Daltrey, of The Who fame, has been a firm advocate for homeopathy ever since his baby son, seemingly close to death, was returned to health by a homeopathic remedy.